Thursday, October 20, 2011

What Is Healing?

What Is Healing?

“Healing is a spontaneous event that comes about through a kind of grace. It can happen anytime, and in any place. It may or may not happen in the context of a healing session. It may come about simply with a smile from a stranger, the breeze blowing through the trees, the song of a bird — some reminder of our connectedness and wholeness — the beauty of Life just as it is at this moment for us.

“Healing can happen on many different levels. Sometimes our healing is not what we expect. We need to be open to the gifts which life is always ready to give us. It may be that a physical problem heals, but it may also stay awhile to teach us something. Sometimes a health challenge is a doorway to a deeper healing, a cry from deep within for attention to some part of us that has been unloved and feels separated from the Whole.

“Regardless of whether our focus in healing is on the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level, all levels are invariably touched by the process, and none can be separated out from the rest.” — Mary Maddux

The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives the following definitions of healing:

1. to make sound or whole
2. to restore to health
3. to cause (an undesirable condition) to be overcome
4. to restore to original purity or integrity
5. to return to a sound state

“to make sound or whole”…

Although it is clear from these definitions that the word “healing” can be used in very broad ways, it most often refers to healing of the physical body, as in the healing of a disease of injury. It is also frequently used to indicate healing of mental, psychological, and emotional conditions. For those who are spiritually inclined, “to make sound or whole” would have to include the spiritual dimension of life, as well.

medicine broadening its scope…

Our medical institutions and training, which once were more narrowly focused on the physical aspects of healing, are gradually broadening their scope. First, the emotional and psychological factors which contribute to physical illness started to be more recognized. More recently, consideration is being given to the impact of spirituality on healing as well.

other traditions of medicine…

Other traditions of medicine, such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, are inclusive of every level of human life, and are in fact based on world views which recognize individual life as a part of a larger whole. They are based on philosophies which are essentially spiritually-based, whereas allopathic medicine is based on the scientific model which, until recently, has been quite materially-based. As the understanding of the abstract basis of our seemingly concrete, material existence becomes apparent in the cutting edge of physics, the world view upon which our medical system is based must necessarily shift.

spiritual healers in operating rooms…

The appearance of spiritual healers in operating rooms and research on such phenomena as “remote” or “distance healing” are an indication that the seemingly separate worlds of science and spirituality are beginning to shake hands. And this trend, after all, is a sign of “healing” as our medical system is made “sound and whole”!

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