Thursday, October 20, 2011



Colon cleansing with irrigation

"If you stand long and still enough near rivers, lakes and ponds where herons and similar long-beaked birds fish and feed, you will notice a curious habit.

From time to time, a heron will suck up a beak full of water, twist its neck around and insert the beak into its own anus, squirting the water deep into its bowels to flush out the putrid debris and other residue from its fish-based diet.

Who taught these birds to do that? Nature did... and a Taoist respects no teacher more than nature.

The very sound of the word colon prompts embarrassment these days.

Many people can't even bare to look at a picture of a colon, let alone talk about their own. Suggest that someone run 5 gallons of warm water through it, and embarrassment turns to suspicion or sheer panic.

American doctors are reluctant even to discuss the matter, and they flatly refuse to administer colonic irrigations to patients on request. They believe, as one New York physician put it, colonics 'went out with the horse-and-buggy' a century ago.

American doctors also reject nutritional therapy, herbal remedies, fasting, therapeutic breathing, meditation and other 'outdated' methods that they no longer understand, nor want to understand.

In Russia however, it remains standard procedure in all hospitals and clinics to administer a thorough colonic cleansing to all patients, regardless of their ailments, immediately upon entering any hospital. Russian physicians realize that no cure for any ailment can be properly administered to a filthy, highly toxic body, which simply cannot assimilate and utilize medications.

Nor does a body devitalized by chronic toxemia have sufficient strength and energy to fully recover from such radical procedures as anaesthesia, surgery and chemical therapy.

As a case in point for colonics, take pneumonia. At the turn of the century, before cancer and heart disease replaced it, pneumonia was the biggest killer in America.

Back then, Dr. J.H. Tilden of Denver, Colorado, who specialized in pneumonia and treated more patients for this disease than any other physician on record, never lost a single patient to this dreaded ailment. He achieved his remarkable record by relying entirely on fasting and colonic irrigations, followed by strict diets of raw natural foods. Today, pneumonia still takes a heavy toll among the elderly and weak, despite all the modern drugs used to treat it. (HPS editors note: interesting, no? yes?, what do you think?)

In 1935, at the age of 40, V. Ions suffered from a rare and extremely painful form of arthritis now known as 'ankylosing spondylosis'. This condition is caused by unassimilated calcium (such as that from pasteurized milk) being deposited on the spinal vertebrae, where it gradually builds spurs that cause the entire spine to stoop forward, until, after 10-20 years, the victim is bent over double for life.

Having been told that there is no cure, Ion went off to research his conditions on his own, and, like anyone else who looks hard and long enough for the real source of chronic degenerative disease, he found it lurking in his own clogged colon.

As he recalls:

"Within two months I had no more pain from displacement and with 14 months practically no spurs. All done with home colonics, fasting and natural food- no drugs!"

Herbal colon detox products won't remove the accumulated toxic debris from you colon or small intestines. Nor will enemas. Colonic irrigations are a must because the impacted mucus sticks to the walls of the colon like Velcro. Therefore a continuous flow coupled with fairly large quantities of water are needed to release it for evacuation off the colon walls and out of the colon.

Otherwise only very small amounts will be eliminated, negligible amounts.

When it is released from the colon the HPS-ONLINE way, your energy levels rise immediately- most times within days, but sometimes it can take weeks. No two bodies are the same.

Self administered home colonic irrigations - Colenemas - must not be confused with enemas.

At best enemas flush out the rectum and a small part of the descending colon; but they do nothing for the transverse and ascending portions where years of afoul debris, toxic waste, and impacted feces have accumulated.

Enemas can also be a real mess to handle.

The colenema board technique on the other hand sends water flowing slowly all the way through the entire length of the colon in a continuous flow, gently.

The flow is generated naturally by gravity. Nothing is intrusive or mechanical.

There is no need to get off the board to eliminate.

Elimination is done while laying on the board which rests over the toilet. That is how it is done over the toilet in your bathroom.

There are no quick fixes when it comes to authentic genuine health care.
Taking care of our self and our health is a lifelong responsibility.

Instead of only a few quarts as in an enema, a thorough home colonic irrigation flushes about 5 gallons of water through the colon during a single session (not all 5 gallons at one time, but gradually 5 gallons flush through, in-out, in-out naturally and rhythmically over the course of a session).

A session can last from 20-60 minutes; depending on the users proficiency and previous colon hygiene.

The cleaner the colon, the more water can enter and, the shorter time you'll need to spend on the colenema board per session in your bathroom.

During a 30 minute session on the colenema board water naturally flows in and out of the colon, directed by the forces of gravity and obstructions in the colon. You lay comfortably on your colenema board throughout the session. There is no need to get off the board to eliminate. Water flows in and out between 8-15 times per 30 minute session.

On a good colenema board with the appropriate guidance and supervision, the whole process is simple, quick and easy.

On a bad board and/or alone with no one to turn to for guidance and support- it can be a nightmare.
If you are unwilling to administer your own home colonics, and since your doctor will not, or cannot administer them for you, you will have to find a colonic clinic.

Clinics generally administer pump-powered colonic irrigations, which require careful supervision from a trained therapist. They cost from US$75 to US$225 per session!

Due to our modern lifestyles and incorrect eating habits, stress, pollution, medication, etc., you will need to do at least once a year a thorough cleansing of your colon.

Twelve visits to the clinic are the minimum required to cleanse the colon. A session can cost between US$75- to way over 200 dollars depending on your locality.

Pump powered colonic irrigations do nothing to remove the accumulated mucus, plaque, and toxic debris collection from your small intestines, (which are 21-26 feet in length versus 4.7-6 feet for the colon).

That means no benefit is derived to your digestive system, which means your body does not gain better assimilation of nutrients from the foods you eat. Nor does your body get a chance to effectively build new tissue.

In short, colonics at a clinic are not what bring about rejuvenation and healing. Here is what an HPS cleanser discovered. Rachel_B, Age 22 tells it like it is re her experiences at a colonic irrigation clinic. Click here. (see the bottom half of her thread)

At the best they remove some impacted feces from the colon, but NO plaque or muccoid matter. To get to that stuff a few other things need to be done including herbal cleansing supplements, juicing, and fasting.

At worst, they deceive you into believing that vibrant sustainable health will be achieved in light of the colonics.

Colonic irrigation clinics are a quick fix that doesn't deliver what one wants- that being sustainable long lasting vibrant health, sustainable weight loss, sustainable healing nor rejuvenation..

They have neither the time nor the inclination to guide and educate you towards better health.

They are not in the business of educating people nor are they in the business to support and guide you through the minefields of the health renewal journey.

By and large you're left out in limbo hanging from a branch once you walk out of the clinic door. Within a relatively short time it's easy to fall back again where you started from. Back to square one again. Bad health again, and this time you'll have to go shopping again, to look for, find and discover the newest fad for your entertainment.

You also might find after doing a series of colonic irrigations at a clinic that whatever changes you actually do succeed in making in dietary and lifestyle habits, might not be sustainable. They might not easily integrate into your life. The why and what adjustments that need to be made are not provided for you at a colonic irrigation clinic. They are not in that business.

And there is lots of traffic and waiting rooms involved. So so many hours wasted for days on end...

A workable health and rejuvenation strategy should be easy, convenient, quick and professional.

In a few days you should be able to reverse your health conditions and find relief (in our case it is seven days), convenient (in our case from the privacy of your own home) and it should be hard-wired with professional supervision and continuous support so that you don't end up making mistakes, today, and down the road.

Long-term supervised guidance and support from others who are on the same path is very important.

And all the above should be at a fair and reasonable price. A colonic irrigation clinic can't provide any of that.

And without continuous feedback, input, and support no health-care strategy is maintainable.

The benefits of a quick fix at a colonic clinic just don't stack up for you.

There is however a much better, easier, cheaper, more convenient and private way to clean up thanks to the 'colenema board' and the exclusive HPS 7 Day Wonder online guided cleanse. It's convenient and it gives results that are far superior and much more sustainable than any series of sessions at a clinic. And the price is right too.

If you start cleansing at your convenience in the privacy and comfort of your own home, you can expect a long healthy life and a better functioning body. "A colenema board may be used for life by the whole family in the comfort, safety and privacy of your home. It works entirely by gravity, not pumps, and is completely safe to use alone."

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