Thursday, October 20, 2011

For constipation

For constipation

1. Eat only rice with a lot of leafy veg.

2. Take isbgol poweder one spoon in the night after or before the meal.

3. Drink as much water as you can, but not during the meal.

4. First thing after waking up have at least 1.25 litre of water before brushing
your teeth. (Water therapy)

5. Don't take maida and its products. Avoid chapatis too for a few days.

6. Take lots of fruits except sour ones.

7. Do some exercise related to internal organs.

8. If possible go for enemas for a few days (Naturopathy)

8. Go for water fast at least for a day in a week.

9. Don't take any allopathic medicine.

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