Thursday, October 20, 2011



Auto toxemia is the source of most health problems

Even the US Health & Human Services, in a rare display of candor, admitted several years ago that 'over 90%' of Americans are walking around with clogged colons.

Auto toxemia is the real culprit in almost all diseases and degenerative conditions.

Though it requires individual effort, self-discipline and personal responsibility, preventative health care is always a good investment, in time as well as money, because once you fall ill it takes a lot more time and costs a lot more money to acquire good health again.

Furthermore, every time you lose your health the road to recovery gets longer and rougher, demanding a growing investment for diminishing returns. By investing in your immunity now, you insure your future health and guard your life at minimum cost.

Cleansing the HPS-ONLINE way guarantees that you dramatically reduce the chances of illness, chronic disease, and cellular degeneration. In short you'll enjoy vibrant health, year in and year out.

Auto toxemia explains for example, why under precisely the same conditions of exposure some people 'catch' colds and other contagious diseases, while others remain completely immune.

It is not the 'germs' that are at fault, as Louis Pasteur claimed, for germs of all sorts float constantly on the air and enter our food and water at all times. It is the lack of normal resistance due to auto-intoxication of the blood stream that opens a 'window of vulnerability' in the body and permits germs to invade.

Anyone who consistently breaks the laws of nature will ultimately be sentenced to chronic disease and early death by Mother Nature. No type or quantity of drugs, surgery, or other remedial medical care can save you from the self-imposed death-sentence of auto-intoxication.

The only way to win a reprieve is by 'good behavior, which means thoroughly reforming your bad habits and 'cleaning up your act'.

However, it is an illusion to believe that you can clear out these fetid obstructions and purge the imbedded toxins from your colon and blood stream, internal vital organs or lymphatic system simply by eating bran, raw vegetables and other fibrous foods, or from taking a colon cleansing/detox supplement plus some herbal teas for a few weeks once or twice a year.

Bran, psyllium seed husks, and raw vegetables are so rich in fibrous bulk that they cannot get through the tiny holes remaining for passage of feces in most colons. Instead they back up, fester and contribute further to the problem.

It is pointless to embark on any weight loss or health improvement program until you have flushed all the accumulated impacted debris and poisonous residues from your former dietary habits out of your digestive tract and blood stream.

At the least we should treat our own body with the same common sense, respect, value and care that we give our cars and other important assets.

Prudent result-oriented and cost-oriented health care should be based on a philosophy of detoxification and sustainability- the removal of unwanted materials that cause disease- rather than just the ingestion of herbal dietary supplements and/or medications that simply treat symptoms or conditions.

It's time we move beyond medications, exercise and dieting. Imagine a natural health system that is so quick and so easy that it takes you just seven days to terminate constipation, lose excess weight, skyrocket energy, beat disease, addictions, and stress, heal skin problems, terminate pain & chronic illness- all naturally and in 7 days only!

Health is restored by cleansing the tissues through improved
management and care of ALL the elimination systems, ESPECIALLY the bowel.
That means cleansing our HPS way- in just 7 days- ends up saving you
a lot of time, and money, already today and in the future

It's time YOU bring to a close the endless bottles of medications, drugs, and medical tests. It's time for a new health-care matrix. It's time we clean up our act, that we all move from sick-care to health-care.

You will probably continue with the wrong combinations of food as long as you live and so will continue to need a series of cleanses over a lifetime.

One of the most famous and highly respected surgeons in American history, Dr. Harvey Kellogg of Battle Creek, Michigan wrote:

"Of the 22,000 operations I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon."

And that was back at the turn of the century, long before American eating habits had become completely corrupted by processed, denatured foods as today. "About the only place you see a normal healthy colon today is in an anatomy book!"

What goes in must come out, eventually.

In the meantime it can fester inside you for years, cripple or even kill you..."

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